Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 12 Discussion 11

Week 12 Discussion 11

Q The discipline of Black Studies came about through means of protest that are largely considered "illegal." Could it have come about by any other means? Today, many media outlets hold up Martin Luther King's methods of protest as the only "legitimate" means. How is it determined what is a "legitimate" form of protest vs. an illegitimate form of protest? What are the strengths and limitations of working within "legitimate" frameworks vs. outside of legitimate frameworks.

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There have been various events in the past that led to the integration and development of the Black Studies in the educational curriculum. But the means through which it was acquired was through lots of protests which has been largely considered to be illegal activities all over the world. As the events are clear by the protest that was done by the Black students in San Francisco State and in Cornell University. They were protesting to integrate Black studies in their studies and also to include Black faculty in the colleges